Tax ExemptUpdated 2 years ago
You will need a tax exemptions certificate to qualify as exempt from sales tax charges on consumable/resell-able items (vinyl, sublimation blanks, ink, etc.).
Currently, our company has nexus in the states below and without a tax exemption certificate, sales tax will be charged.
Alabama Kansas Ohio
Alaska Kentucky Oklahoma
Arizona Louisiana Pennsylvania
Arkansas Maryland Rhode Island
California Massachusetts South Carolina
Colorado Michigan South Dakota
Connecticut Minnesota Tennessee
District of Columbia Mississippi Texas
Florida Nebraska Utah
Georgia Nevada Virginia
Hawaii New Jersey Washington
Idaho New Mexico West Virginia
Illinois New York Wisconsin
Indiana North Carolina Wyoming
Iowa North Dakota
Do not proceed before creating a complete account at including, name, billing, and shipping information. Also, please ensure that your exemption form includes a name or address that matches your account. We use this to identify and match your account to the exemption, if we do not see either, you will experience a delay in processing.
If you have questions regarding this process, please email [email protected] for further information.
Please click the link below to submit a resale tax or manufacturing exemption in your state and we will setup your account appropriately.